Source code for yapconf.spec

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import os
import sys

import six

import yapconf
from box import Box
from import generate_markdown_doc
from yapconf.exceptions import (YapconfItemNotFound, YapconfLoadError,
                                YapconfSourceError, YapconfSpecError)
from yapconf.handlers import ConfigChangeHandler
from yapconf.items import YapconfDictItem, YapconfListItem, from_specification
from yapconf.sources import get_source

if sys.version_info.major < 3:
    from io import open

[docs]class YapconfSpec(object): """Object which holds your configuration's specification. The YapconfSpec item is the main interface into the yapconf package. It will help you load, migrate, update and add arguments for your application. Examples: >>> from yapconf import YapconfSpec First define a specification >>> my_spec = YapconfSpec( ... {"foo": {"type": "str", "default": "bar"}}, ... env_prefix='MY_APP_' ... ) Then load the configuration in whatever order you want! load_config will automatically look for the 'foo' value in '/path/to/config.yml', then the environment, finally falling back to the default if it was not found elsewhere >>> config = my_spec.load_config('/path/to/config.yml', 'ENVIRONMENT') >>> print( >>> print(config['foo']) """ def __init__(self, specification, file_type='json', env_prefix=None, encoding='utf-8', separator='.'): self._file_type = file_type self._encoding = encoding if self._file_type not in yapconf.FILE_TYPES: raise YapconfSpecError( 'Unsupported file type: {0}. Supported file types are: {1}' .format(self._file_type, yapconf.FILE_TYPES) ) self._specification = self._load_specification(specification) self._env_prefix = env_prefix self._separator = separator self._yapconf_items = from_specification(self._specification, self._env_prefix, self._separator) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._sources = {} def _load_specification(self, specification): if isinstance(specification, six.string_types): specification = yapconf.load_file( specification, file_type=self._file_type, klazz=YapconfSpecError ) if not isinstance(specification, dict): raise YapconfSpecError( 'Specification must be a dictionary or a filename which ' 'contains a loadable dictionary. Supported file types are {0}' .format(yapconf.FILE_TYPES) ) self._validate_specification(specification) return specification def _validate_specification(self, specification): for item_name, item_info in six.iteritems(specification): if not isinstance(item_info, dict): raise YapconfSpecError("Invalid specification. {0} is not a " "dictionary.".format(item_name)) item_type = item_info.get('type', 'str') nested_items = item_info.get('items', {}) if nested_items and item_type not in ['list', 'dict']: raise YapconfSpecError("Invalid specification. {0} is a {1} " "type item, but it has children. " "Maybe you meant to set type to either" "'list' or 'dict'?" .format(item_name, item_type)) elif item_type in ['list', 'dict'] and not nested_items: raise YapconfSpecError("Invalid specification. {0} is a {1} " "type item, but it has no children. " "This is not allowed." .format(item_name, item_type)) elif item_type in ['list', 'dict']: self._validate_specification(nested_items) @property def items(self): return self._yapconf_items @property def sources(self): return self._sources @property def defaults(self): """dict: All defaults for items in the specification.""" return self._get_defaults(self._yapconf_items.values()) def _get_defaults(self, items): defaults = {} for item in items: if isinstance(item, YapconfDictItem): defaults[] = self._get_defaults( item.children.values() ) else: defaults[] = item.default return defaults
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser, bootstrap=False): """Adds all items to the parser passed in. Args: parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): The parser to add all items to. bootstrap (bool): Flag to indicate whether you only want to mark bootstrapped items as required on the command-line. """ [item.add_argument(parser, bootstrap) for item in self._get_items(bootstrap=False)]
[docs] def add_source(self, label, source_type, **kwargs): """Add a source to the spec. Sources should have a unique label. This will help tracing where your configurations are coming from if you turn up the log-level. The keyword arguments are significant. Different sources require different keyword arguments. Required keys for each source_type are listed below, for a detailed list of all possible arguments, see the individual source's documentation. source_type: dict required keyword arguments: - data - A dictionary source_type: environment No required keyword arguments. source_type: etcd required keyword arguments: - client - A client from the python-etcd package. source_type: json required keyword arguments: - filename - A JSON file. - data - A string representation of JSON source_type: kubernetes required keyword arguments: - client - A client from the kubernetes package - name - The name of the ConfigMap to load source_type: yaml required keyword arguments: - filename - A YAML file. Args: label (str): A label for the source. source_type (str): A source type, available source types depend on the packages installed. See ``yapconf.ALL_SUPPORTED_SOURCES`` for a complete list. """ self._sources[label] = get_source(label, source_type, **kwargs)
[docs] def find_item(self, fq_name): """Find an item in the specification by fully qualified name. Args: fq_name (str): Fully-qualified name of the item. Returns: The item if it is in the specification. None otherwise """ names = fq_name.split(self._separator) current = self._yapconf_items for name in names: if isinstance(current, (YapconfDictItem, YapconfListItem)): current = current.children if name not in current: return None current = current[name] return current
[docs] def get_item(self, name, bootstrap=False): """Get a particular item in the specification. Args: name (str): The name of the item to retrieve. bootstrap (bool): Only search bootstrap items Returns (YapconfItem): A YapconfItem if it is found, None otherwise. """ for item in self._get_items(bootstrap): if == name: return item return None
[docs] def update_defaults(self, new_defaults, respect_none=False): """Update items defaults to the values in the new_defaults dict. Args: new_defaults (dict): A key-value pair of new defaults to be applied. respect_none (bool): Flag to indicate if ``None`` values should constitute an update to the default. """ for key, value in six.iteritems(new_defaults): item = self.get_item(key) if item is None: raise YapconfItemNotFound("Cannot update default for {0}, " "there is no config item by the " "name of {1}".format(key, key), None) item.update_default(value, respect_none)
[docs] def generate_documentation(self, app_name, **kwargs): """Generate documentation for this specification. Documentation is generated in Markdown format. An example of the generated documentation can be found at: Args: app_name (str): The name of your application. Keyword Args: output_file_name (str): If provided, will write to this file. encoding (str): The encoding to use for the output file. Default is utf-8. Returns: A string representation of the documentation. """ output_file = kwargs.get('output_file_name') encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', 'utf-8') doc_string = generate_markdown_doc(app_name, self) if output_file: with open(output_file, 'w', encoding=encoding) as doc_file: doc_file.write(doc_string) return doc_string
[docs] def load_config(self, *args, **kwargs): """Load a config based on the arguments passed in. The order of arguments passed in as *args is significant. It indicates the order of precedence used to load configuration values. Each argument can be a string, dictionary or a tuple. There is a special case string called 'ENVIRONMENT', otherwise it will attempt to load the filename passed in as a string. By default, if a string is provided, it will attempt to load the file based on the file_type passed in on initialization. If you want to load a mixture of json and yaml files, you can specify them as the 3rd part of a tuple. Examples: You can load configurations in any of the following ways: >>> my_spec = YapconfSpec({'foo': {'type': 'str'}}) >>> my_spec.load_config('/path/to/file') >>> my_spec.load_config({'foo': 'bar'}) >>> my_spec.load_config('ENVIRONMENT') >>> my_spec.load_config(('label', {'foo': 'bar'})) >>> my_spec.load_config(('label', '/path/to/file.yaml', 'yaml')) >>> my_spec.load_config(('label', '/path/to/file.json', 'json')) You can of course combine each of these and the order will be held correctly. Args: *args: **kwargs: The only supported keyword argument is 'bootstrap' which will indicate that only bootstrap configurations should be loaded. Returns: box.Box: A Box object which is subclassed from dict. It should behave exactly as a dictionary. This object is guaranteed to contain at least all of your required configuration items. Raises: YapconfLoadError: If we attempt to load your args and something goes wrong. YapconfItemNotFound: If an item is required but could not be found in the configuration. YapconfItemError: If a possible value was found but the type cannot be determined. YapconfValueError: If a possible value is found but during conversion, an exception was raised. """ bootstrap = kwargs.get('bootstrap', False) overrides = self._generate_overrides(*args) config = self._generate_config_from_overrides(overrides, bootstrap) return Box(config)
[docs] def spawn_watcher(self, label, target=None, eternal=False): """Spawns a config watcher in a separate daemon thread. If a particular config value changes, and the item has a ``watch_target`` defined, then that method will be called. If a ``target`` is passed in, then it will call the ``target`` anytime the config changes. Args: label (str): Should match a label added through ``add_source`` target (func): Should be a function that takes two arguments, the old configuration and the new configuration. eternal (bool): Determines if watcher threads should be restarted if they die. Returns: The thread that was spawned. """ if label not in self._sources: raise YapconfSourceError( 'Cannot watch %s no source named %s' % (label, label) ) current_config = self._sources[label].get_data() handler = ConfigChangeHandler(current_config, self, target) return self._sources[label].watch(handler, eternal)
[docs] def migrate_config_file( self, config_file_path, always_update=False, current_file_type=None, output_file_name=None, output_file_type=None, create=True, update_defaults=True, dump_kwargs=None, include_bootstrap=True, ): """Migrates a configuration file. This is used to help you update your configurations throughout the lifetime of your application. It is probably best explained through example. Examples: Assume we have a JSON config file ('/path/to/config.json') like the following: ``{"db_name": "test_db_name", "db_host": ""}`` >>> spec = YapconfSpec({ ... 'db_name': { ... 'type': 'str', ... 'default': 'new_default', ... 'previous_defaults': ['test_db_name'] ... }, ... 'db_host': { ... 'type': 'str', ... 'previous_defaults': ['localhost'] ... } ... }) We can migrate that file quite easily with the spec object: >>> spec.migrate_config_file('/path/to/config.json') Will result in /path/to/config.json being overwritten: ``{"db_name": "new_default", "db_host": ""}`` Args: config_file_path (str): The path to your current config always_update (bool): Always update values (even to None) current_file_type (str): Defaults to self._file_type output_file_name (str): Defaults to the current_file_path output_file_type (str): Defaults to self._file_type create (bool): Create the file if it doesn't exist (otherwise error if the file does not exist). update_defaults (bool): Update values that have a value set to something listed in the previous_defaults dump_kwargs (dict): A key-value pair that will be passed to dump include_bootstrap (bool): Include bootstrap items in the output Returns: box.Box: The newly migrated configuration. """ current_file_type = current_file_type or self._file_type output_file_type = output_file_type or self._file_type output_file_name = output_file_name or config_file_path current_config = self._get_config_if_exists(config_file_path, create, current_file_type) migrated_config = {} if include_bootstrap: items = self._yapconf_items.values() else: items = [ item for item in self._yapconf_items.values() if not item.bootstrap ] for item in items: item.migrate_config(current_config, migrated_config, always_update, update_defaults) if create: yapconf.dump_data(migrated_config, filename=output_file_name, file_type=output_file_type, klazz=YapconfLoadError, dump_kwargs=dump_kwargs) return Box(migrated_config)
def _get_config_if_exists(self, config_file_path, create, file_type): if not os.path.isfile(config_file_path) and create: return {} elif not os.path.isfile(config_file_path): raise YapconfLoadError("Error migrating config file {0}. " "File does not exist. If you would like " "to create the file, you need to pass " "the create flag.".format(config_file_path)) return yapconf.load_file(config_file_path, file_type=file_type, klazz=YapconfLoadError) def _get_items(self, bootstrap): if not bootstrap: return self._yapconf_items.values() else: return [item for item in self._yapconf_items.values() if item.bootstrap] def _generate_config_from_overrides(self, overrides, bootstrap): return { item.get_config_value(overrides) for item in self._get_items(bootstrap) } def _generate_overrides(self, *args): # An override is a tuple of label, dictionary # we cannot use a dictionary because we need to preserve # the order of the arguments passed in as they are significant overrides = [] for index, override in enumerate(args): source = self._extract_source(index, override) overrides.append(source.generate_override(self._separator)) # We manually generate defaults here so that it is easy to find out # if there are defaults for fallbacks that should be applied. overrides.append( ( '__defaults__', yapconf.flatten(self.defaults, separator=self._separator) ) ) return overrides def _explode_override(self, override): label = None unpacked_value = override file_type = self._file_type # If they provided a tuple, they may have named their tuple # or given us a differing file_type. So we unpack it before # we look at the unpacked value. if isinstance(override, tuple): if len(override) < 2: raise YapconfLoadError( 'Invalid override tuple provided. The tuple must have a ' 'name and value. Optionally, it can provide a third ' 'argument specifying the file type if it is different ' 'than the default file_type passed during initialization.' ) label = override[0] unpacked_value = override[1] if len(override) > 2: file_type = override[2] return label, unpacked_value, file_type def _extract_string_source(self, label, value, file_type): if value in self._sources: return self._sources[value] elif value == 'ENVIRONMENT': return get_source(value, 'environment') elif file_type in ['json', 'yaml']: return get_source( value, file_type, filename=value, encoding=self._encoding ) raise YapconfLoadError( 'Invalid override given: %s. A string type was detected ' 'but no valid source could be generated. This should be ' 'a string which points to a label from the sources you added, ' 'the string "ENVIRONMENT" or have a file_type of "json" or "yaml"' 'got a (value, file_type) of: (%s %s)' % (label, value, file_type) ) def _extract_source(self, index, override): label, unpacked_value, file_type = self._explode_override(override) if isinstance(unpacked_value, six.string_types): return self._extract_string_source( label, unpacked_value, file_type ) elif isinstance(unpacked_value, dict): label = label or 'dict-%d' % index return get_source(label, 'dict', data=unpacked_value) raise YapconfLoadError( 'Invalid override given: %s overrides must be one of the ' 'following: a dictionary, a filename, a label for a source, or ' '"ENVIRONMENT". Got: %s' % (label, unpacked_value) )