Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from yapconf.items import YapconfDictItem

# flake8: noqa
HEADER = """# {app_name} Configuration

This document describes the configuration for {app_name}. Each section will 
document a particular configuration value and its description. First, 
though, we start with the possible sources. 

This documentation was auto-generated by [yapconf.](

CONFIG_HEADER = """## Configuration

This section outlines the various configuration items {app_name} supports.

## Sources

{app_name} configuration can be loaded from the below sources:

#### {source_label}

{source_label} is of type {source_type_link}.


ITEM_TEMPLATE = """### {name}




    'dict': '',
    'environment': '',
    'etcd': '',
    'json': '',
    'kubernetes': '',
    'yaml': '',


The dict source means that {app_name} will load configuration values from an 
in-memory dictionary that cannot be modified externally. Usually, it is used as 
a list of sensible defaults."""

This environment source means that {app_name} will load configuration values 
by using their `env_name` that is documented below."""

The etcd source means that {app_name} will load configuration values from the 
`{key}` in etcd."""

This json source means that {app_name} will load configuration values from an 
in-memory string and cannot be modified. Usually it is used as a list of 
sensible defaults."""

This json source means that {app_name} will load configuration values from 
`{filename}`. You may edit this file with {valid_link}."""

K8S_DESCRIPTION = """The kubernetes source indicates that the configuration 
may be loaded from a kubernetes [ConfigMap]( 
Specifically, {app_name} will load the configuration from the ConfigMap named 
`{config_map_name}` in the namespace `{config_map_namespace}`"""

Additionally, {source_label} specified that `{key}` exists in the 
`{config_map_name}` ConfigMap. `{key}` will be loaded as `{config_type}`. 
You may modify this entry with {valid_link}."""

The yaml source means that {app_name} will load configuration values from 
`{filename}`. You may edit this file with {valid_link}"""

def _find_row_maxes(headers, rows):
    maxes = {}
    for key, value in headers.items():
        maxes[key] = len(value)
    for row in rows:
        for key, value in row.items():
            maxes[key] = max(maxes[key], len(value))
    return maxes

def _get_padding(key, row_maxes, value, pad_value=" ", modifier=0):
    return pad_value * (row_maxes[key] - len(value) + modifier)

def _build_row(row, row_maxes, row_keys, pad_value=" "):
    row_value = "|"
    for key in row_keys:
        padding = _get_padding(key, row_maxes, row[key], pad_value)
        row_value = row_value + ' ' + row[key] + padding + ' |'
    return row_value

def _build_separator(row_maxes, row_keys):
    fake_row = row_maxes.copy()
    for key, value in row_maxes.items():
        fake_row[key] = ''
    return _build_row(fake_row, row_maxes, row_keys, pad_value='-')

[docs]def build_markdown_table(headers, rows, row_keys=None): """Build a lined up markdown table. Args: headers (dict): A key -> value pairing fo the headers. rows (list): List of dictionaries that contain all the keys listed in the headers. row_keys (list): A sorted list of keys to display Returns: A valid Markdown Table as a string. """ row_maxes = _find_row_maxes(headers, rows) row_keys = row_keys or [key for key, value in headers.items()] table = [ _build_row(headers, row_maxes, row_keys), _build_separator(row_maxes, row_keys) ] for row in rows: table.append(_build_row(row, row_maxes, row_keys)) return '\n'.join(table) + '\n'
def _generate_source_description(source, app_name, source_label): format_kwargs = {'app_name': app_name} template = "" if source.type == 'dict': template = DICT_DESCRIPTION elif source.type == 'environment': template = ENVIRONMENT_DESCRIPTION elif source.type == 'etcd': template = ETCD_DESCRIPTION format_kwargs['key'] = source.key elif source.type == 'json': if source.filename: template = JSON_FILE_DESCRIPTION format_kwargs['filename'] = source.filename format_kwargs['valid_link'] = VALID_JSON_LINK else: template = JSON_DATA_DESCRIPTION elif source.type == 'kubernetes': template = K8S_DESCRIPTION format_kwargs['config_map_name'] = format_kwargs['config_map_namespace'] = source.namespace if source.key: template = "\n".join([t for t in [template, K8S_KEY_DESCRIPTION]]) format_kwargs['source_label'] = source_label format_kwargs['key'] = source.key format_kwargs['config_type'] = source.config_type if source.config_type == 'yaml': format_kwargs['valid_link'] = VALID_YAML_LINK else: format_kwargs['valid_link'] = VALID_JSON_LINK elif source.type == 'yaml': template = YAML_DESCRIPTION format_kwargs['filename'] = source.filename format_kwargs['valid_link'] = VALID_YAML_LINK return template.format(**format_kwargs) def _generate_source_section(source_label, source, app_name): source_type_link = ( "[%s](%s)" % (source.type, SOURCE_TYPE_LINKS[source.type]) ) source_type_description = _generate_source_description( source, app_name, source_label ) return SOURCE_TEMPLATE.format( source_label=source_label, source_type_link=source_type_link, source_type_description=source_type_description, ) def _generate_item_table(item): headers = { 'attribute': 'Attribute', 'value': 'Value', } if item.cli_support: cli_names = item.cli_names else: cli_names = None rows = [ { 'attribute': '**item_type**', 'value': '`%s`' % item.item_type, }, { 'attribute': '**default**', 'value': '`%s`' % item.default, }, { 'attribute': '**env_name**', 'value': '`%s`' % item.env_name, }, { 'attribute': '**required**', 'value': '`%s`' % item.required, }, { 'attribute': '**cli_name**', 'value': '`%s`' % cli_names, }, { 'attribute': '**fallback**', 'value': '`%s`' % item.fallback }, { 'attribute': '**choices**', 'value': '`%s`' % item.choices, }, ] return build_markdown_table(headers, rows, ['attribute', 'value']) def _generate_item_options(item, app_name): options = [] if item.env_name: options.append( 'You can set {name} from the environment by setting the ' 'environment variable `{env_name}`'.format( name=item.fq_name, env_name=item.env_name ) ) if item.cli_support: cli_names = item.cli_names options.append( 'You can set `{name}` from the command-line by specifying ' '`{cli_names}` at {app_name}\'s entrypoint.'.format( name=item.fq_name, cli_names=cli_names, app_name=app_name, ) ) if item.fallback: option = ( 'If `{name}` is not set in any of the sources listed, it will ' 'attempt to fallback to the value set in `{fallback}`.' ).format( name=item.fq_name, fallback=item.fallback ) if item.default: option += ( ' If neither the fallback nor the original key is found ' 'then the value will fallback to the default of `{default}`' ).format(default=('%s' % item.default)) options.append(option) elif item.default: options.append(( 'If `{name}` is not set in any of the sources listed, it will ' 'fallback to the default value `{value}`'.format( name=item.fq_name, value=item.default ) )) return '\n\n'.join(options) def _generate_item_section(item, app_name): item_table = _generate_item_table(item) item_options = _generate_item_options(item, app_name) long_description = item.long_description or "" return ITEM_TEMPLATE.format( name=item.fq_name, description=item.description or "No description provided.", attribute_table=item_table, item_options=item_options, long_description=long_description, ) def _get_table_row_from_item(item): return { 'name': '[' + item.fq_name + '](#' + item.fq_name + ')', 'type': item.item_type, 'default': '%s' % item.default, 'description': '%s' % item.description, } def _generate_item_sections(items, app_name): rows = [] item_sections = [] for item in items: if isinstance(item, YapconfDictItem): tmp_rows, tmp_sections = _generate_item_sections( _sorted_dict_values(item.children), app_name ) rows += tmp_rows item_sections += tmp_sections else: rows.append(_get_table_row_from_item(item)) item_sections.append(_generate_item_section(item, app_name)) return rows, item_sections def _sorted_dict_values(dictionary): sorted_keys = sorted(list(dictionary)) return [dictionary[key] for key in sorted_keys]
[docs]def generate_markdown_doc(app_name, spec): """Generate Markdown Documentation for the given spec/app name. Args: app_name (str): The name of the application. spec (YapconfSpec): A yapconf specification with sources loaded. Returns (str): A valid, markdown string representation of the documentation for the given specification. """ # Apply standard headers. sections = [ HEADER.format(app_name=app_name), SOURCES_HEADER.format(app_name=app_name) ] # Generate the sources section of the documentation sorted_labels = sorted(list(spec.sources)) for label in sorted_labels: sections.append( _generate_source_section(label, spec.sources[label], app_name) ) # Generate the config section. sections.append(CONFIG_HEADER.format(app_name=app_name)) table_rows, item_sections = _generate_item_sections( _sorted_dict_values(spec.items), app_name ) headers = { 'name': 'Name', 'type': 'Type', 'default': 'Default', 'description': 'Description' } sections.append( build_markdown_table( headers, table_rows, ['name', 'type', 'default', 'description'], ) ) for item_section in item_sections: sections.append(item_section) return '\n'.join([section for section in sections])